Joyce has been a very good friend of mine since college. As long as I have known her, she has had a knack for fashion. Since college, we've both hung up our graphic design degrees in pursuit of our real passions. For me, it's photography and for Joyce, it's fashion. When she reached out and asked if I'd be interested in doing a little fashion shoot with her I was soo excited! We just had the best time catching up and running around Easton getting these shots. She had thoughtfully assembled each amazing outfit to go with her vision for the shoot and she absolutely killed it!! She really has such an eye for putting looks together. She also made my job incredibly easy by being the best model with literally no direction needed! She's just a natural haha. This was such a fun session and I hope we get the chance to do more in the future. :)

For more of Joyce's looks, check out her instagram.

Easton photographer
Easton photographer
Easton branding photographer
Easton branding photographer
Easton branding photographer
Easton photographer
Easton photographer
Easton branding photographer
Easton branding photographer
Easton branding photographer